Distance: 17kms from DIndivanam
Shiva: Yamadhandeeswarar
Amman: Thiripurasundhari
Theertham: Yama Theertham
Chithraguptan Sannidhi is present in the Prahara.
Shiva is Kaala Anugraha Murthy in this temple.
People with Kaala Sarpa Dhosha offer Pariharam in this temple.
There are no Navagrahas.
Mahavishnu is present with Shridevi and Bhudhevi
Jeeva Samadhi of some saint is present here.
It is believed that Ganga Devi is present in this temple tank.
Yama Bathed here and got his curse cleansed.
The oldest Vinayaka of Tamil Nadu is present here dating before the 2nd Century.
The Vattezhuthu inscriptions of the 5th century is found here.
One Laguleesa image holding the club and another holding a weapon is also present here.
The Vimanam is Chadhurasa Vimanam.
Amman Thiripurasundhari appears different on different days. The change in posture or colour or face expressions can be viewed everyday. People who visit often can note these changes.
Inscriptions are seen on the base of the Ganapathy idol. These inscriptions presided Pillayarpatti inscriptions which proves that this is the oldest Vinayaka of Tamilnadu. This Vinayaka wears Anklets.
The Breathing of the Nandhi is heard on Pradhosam days.
A strange sound of someone breathing out from the water is heard in the sanctum. These details are given by the priest of the temple.
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